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Essay/Term paper: 'the role of the teacher' critique

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The essay "The Role of the Teacher" written by Irving Layton reviews the current state of our ever criticized school system. The author shows us how we view the problems of the school system and explains how and why we place blame on teachers. He shows how "penny-pinching school boards"(p145) are the real ones to blame and not the teaches whom are the easiest to confront. "A feeling has grown that schools and universities are not achieving that which they were intended: namely , the enrichment of the individuals life by giving him the tools of self improvement and the cultivated mind to use them"(p145) is how most people view the school board and what the author is trying to discuss. The author uses a logical pattern and an expository purpose. The author uses opinion based format for this essay.
Irving Layton uses metaphor in his essay. "books have become objects of curiosity; like an atomic pile, something heard about but never seen"(p145) This sentence lets people relate with the point that author is trying to get across to the reader. The reader now has a mental reference or link to what is being described so he can now better understand what he is reading. This stylistic device is used effectively in this essay.
"Knowledge spills over like a water from a seemingly inexhaustible fountain."(p146) This is a good use of imagery. By applying this description of endless knowledge to a fountain or waterfall the reader can make a mental picture better allowing him to comprehend exactly what the author is trying to discribe. It is very hard to understand what endless knowledge would be like, so the author puts a picture of a fountain spewing knowledge forever, making the idea more plausible to the reader.
The author did not use too many stylistic devices to prove his point. The few that were used only made the facts easier to grasp. The essay was based on opinion and the writer, used very relevant topics to get his point across and make the reader sympathetic to his views.
Personal opinion is the main structural device used throughout the essay. "If education means anything, it should mean the creation of individuals with a strong sense of social responsibility…"(p146) Since this essay is in the Writing To Pursued section of the book the essays must have facts and opinions to move the reader to the writers opinion. The essay is describing the faults of the school system, this is the authors opinion. Since it is opinion based it can be argued that the school system is in a good condition. (I wouldn't)
The essay was very effective because it used many relevant topics and ideas. It properly adjusted the blame from the innocent teachers to the greedy school boards, where the blame should be. Parents and alike see the faults of the schools and automatically place the teachers in the spotlight because they are the more tangible then a school board which has no shape to it.


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